Drama is swirling aboard mega yacht Mustique. After a love triangle created a wedge between Bri Muller and Elena "Ellie" Dubaich, Bri decided to take some time apart from her bunkmate and crash in Joe Bradley and Nathan Gallagher's cabin. Unfortunately, Bri's boss isn't too keen on the sleeping arrangements.
How to Watch
Watch Below Deck Mediterranean on Mondays at 9/8c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on the Bravo app.
"You slept in the boys' cabin last night. Why are you doing that? Are you doing it to prove a point to Ellie?" Aesha Scott asks Bri in the above preview for the Monday, July 8 episode of Below Deck Mediterranean, AKA Season 9, Episode 6.
"Because it was just fun. I did it because I was supposed to be sleeping in the galley, because I needed my own space," Bri responds. "And then just before I fell asleep, Joe was like, 'Well, come sleep on the floor. I have an extra mattress.' I was like, 'OK.' We literally went to bed laughing."
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After hearing the question about proving a point, Bri has another response.
"No, I tried saying something to her but she didn't want to hear it," she says. Aesha's best advice is to "squash" the new sleeping arrangement — at least until the charter is over.
"I think at this point, it'll just fire [the drama] up again, and I can't have you sleeping in the boys' cabin because we're on trip. You'll be affecting their sleep and their routine, and it's not fair on them," she says.
Still, Bri has a rebuttal: "But then again, it's annoying, like, when we're sharing, she has completely different times in comparison to me."
Aesha's response? "Yeah, but that's yachting. If you guys can't sort your sh-t out, then I'm going to have to make some sort of changes."
Joe Bradley and Elena Dubaich Discuss the Love Triangle Drama
Meanwhile, Ellie discusses the situation with Joe during an excursion with guests.
"How would you feel if Nathan [Gallagher] was sleeping in somebody's cabin like, 'Oh, I don't feel safe?'" she asks. After he responds that he'd "hate that," she says that that's what she feels Bri is doing to her.
Ellie also mentions that she doesn't like that Bri and Joe kissed.
"From day one, I was very open telling her that I find you attractive and I want to pursue things with you," she explains. "It's a little bit disrespectful."
While Joe playfully responds that Ellie could've told him her feelings, he adds more in a confessional: "They're butting heads, but I'm the cherry on top. Like, I made it clear to Bri I don't want nothing serious. ... To be honest, I feel bad about it. But are you interested in Ellie? Of course I am. Who wouldn't want to go there? Come on."
To see more of the drama, watch the clip above and tune into Below Deck Mediterranean on Monday, July 8. Episodes stream the next day on Peacock.