Recently, the drama between two stars of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle Richards and Dorit Kemsley, has been drawing significant attention from fans. It all started when Dorit posted a comment on social media that was perceived as a shady remark about Kyle's "hairline." Although Dorit did not directly mention Kyle, fans quickly speculated and spread the idea that it was a subtle jab.
Kyle, not one to stay silent, responded with an Instagram story where she stated: "It’s interesting how people you consider close friends feel the need to play games on social media. If you have something to say, say it directly to me." Kyle's response immediately caused a stir, leading many to believe she was addressing Dorit.
What’s even more intriguing is that during this drama, Kyle shared messages between her and Lisa Rinna. In the messages, Lisa reportedly advised Kyle "not to let these negative comments affect her spirit." Lisa also emphasized that she stands by Kyle and supports her in navigating this situation.
Although Dorit has not issued an official response, a close source revealed that Dorit was "surprised" that Kyle interpreted the comment as a personal attack. The source also stated that Dorit was merely "joking around" and did not expect Kyle to take it so seriously.
Fans are currently divided into two camps: one side supports Kyle, believing she has the right to react when being "shaded," while the other side thinks Kyle is "overreacting" to the situation. This drama is certain to be a focal point in the next season of RHOBH, and fans are eagerly waiting to see how the two will confront each other on screen.
What do you think about this situation? Should Kyle resolve this privately with Dorit, or is addressing it on social media the best way to stand up for herself?