The Real Housewives of Dubai just premiered its second season, and it has fans remarking on how lighthearted the show is at times in comparison to how dark other franchises have become. Now, Lesa Milan is opening up about the changing dynamics in season two, throwing shade at Shereé Whitfield at BravoCon, and more.
Fans will recall that the first season of RHODubai premiered in 2022 and was immediately marred by controversy. In particular, Bravo was criticized for producing a show in a country with such strict laws against both women and the LGBTQ community.
Lesa recently sat down with Out Magazine and spoke candidly about the show. She starts by answering a question about the long gap between seasons.
According to Lesa, “You’re gonna have to take that one up with Bravo. I’m not sure about the delays because we’ve also been waiting.” She then shares that the season has been filmed for a while now.
“We filmed this season months ago. I’ll say this: my dear, it’s gonna be worth the wait. I feel like season one was like, the warm up, and season two is where we showed up to work baby.”
She then discusses the “root” of her fall out with former friend Chanel Ayan by saying, “Well, to be honest, I don’t really know where it began, but I’ll say it caught me by surprise. I had no idea the finale would end the way it did, but in the world of reality, it was epic. In reality for us, though, it was so sad and heartbreaking.”
She continues, “So you guys are gonna have to wait until towards the end, but it plays out a few episodes that lead to, like, the big bang. It’s very disappointing. It’s like a relationship breaking up in a way, but here we are more fabulous than ever.”
Lesa then discusses where she stands with Caroline Stanbury and how fans will see their dynamic evolve as the season progresses.
“I’ll say this… episode one and two, you see that I was genuinely trying with her. If you say you’re sorry, I believe you until you do it again, and you only get one chance with me. I can show you more than I can tell you, and I expect the same thing.“
However, she then goes on to say that she doesn’t feel like she’s ever had a real friendship with Caroline.
“I don’t feel like anything with her really ruffles my feathers because we’re not that close, you know? I feel like with Chanel, it’s a lot different because we were literally best friends.”
She continues by saying that she’s “in a good place” with everyone on the cast, and the only person she has a real issue with is Chanel.
The conversation then shifts to Caroline Brooks and Chanel’s new friendship, and how Lesa feels about it. She says, “I still don’t think it’s real – how can I have a problem with something that’s not real? I mean, I think everyone on social media can see right through it. I feel nothing because it’s not real. I think season one, Brooks was, you know, the messy bone collector. I think season two, you’re gonna get to see a different side of her. I’m not saying that I trust her – I think she is working on herself.”
She goes on to say that she’s “cool” with Caroline and that they have a bond.
“I cannot be mad at someone who wants to change for the better. I’m cool with her. We’re around the same age group, so when we go out, it’s a vibe. We both moved here from the US, so we have that bond, and with the other girls, we don’t share that with them. What you see is what you get with that one and I can take a girl like that. You don’t tell her your business, but you can turn up with her.”
The conversation then goes to BravoCon, where she played the “Shades Assassins” game and called out Shereé. During the segment, Andy Cohen asked, “Who’s most likely to have fake designer duds in their closet?” Lesa answered Shereé, which unsurprisingly upset Shereé.
She says, “I have not spoken to her, but I love Shereé. You know, they asked me a question, it’s the ‘Shade Assassins‘ stage. I threw my shade so… “
The interviewer then asks if Shereé will be missed on RHOA since she was not asked back. Lesa responds by saying, “I did – I’m a huge Housewives fan. I’m excited for this new revamped version – I think we kind of need to get back, and this is not just for Atlanta, but back to when it was fun shade, but it’s a group of friends that love each other. They’re showing luxury, and it’s aspirational.”
She continues, “I feel like sometimes they go so low that even for us as the fans, we’re kind of like, really? You’re gonna go after somebody’s marriage? We’re not tuning into that. We kind of want to escape our own reality, you know, when we tune in.”
Lesa then shares how she feels about other Housewives shows, “I feel like Beverly Hills kind of got off track as well. I think Miami is the best one. The force to be reckoned with will be Dubai, especially when season two airs. Miami is definitely like an underdog type of franchise, similar to Dubai. I feel like Miami still stays true to that with the glitz, the glamour, and the fashions.”
She ends by discussing how the show is different without Nina Ali and Taleen Marie on it: “We will always miss her and she’s irreplaceable. Nina is more calm and reserved, and Taleen is like a big ball of energy. So I think Taleen brings the energy, the extra energy, not that we even needed energy, because I feel between Ayan and me, I feel like we already have Brooks. She seems like a fun girl.”
Fans can watch RHODubai on Tuesday nights on Bravo.