MARRIED At Fight Sight Australia fans have been left baffled over Jacqui Burfoot's strong reaction to having a TV in the bedroom.
Last night's episode of MAFS Australia saw the couples move in together, with Jacqui exploring her new home with groom Ryan Donnelly.
Viewers had already watch as Jacqui ended up in tears when Ryan didn't offer to take her hand as they walked down the aisle together after saying 'I do'.
And she was left seriously unimpressed after discovering a TV in their new bedroom.
She told Ryan: "I don't want the TV in our bedroom."
Speaking off camera, Jacqui added: "My biggest worry is that Ryan turns on the TV in the bedroom.
"I think electronics are really bad for human kind, people are just dumbing their brains by watching TV."
She then told Ryan TV in the bedroom was banned but he replied: "I'll watch TV where I want."
Jacqui ended up in tears during her confessional, adding: "I don't know why you need two TVs in an apartment this small."
Confused fans rushed to social media to have their say, with one writing: "Is Jacqui false crying, about having 2 TVs in the apartment?!?!"
Another said: "#MAFSAU did Jacqui just complain about TV dumbing people down, whilst appearing on a TV Show??!"
Someone else commented: "Does Jacqui fake cry at everything?"
And a fourth said: "Not Jacqui complaining about people watching junk tv that offers nothing mentally stimulating whilst she appears on a junk tv show that offers nothing mentally stimulating.
"I’m not watching this to challenge myself, love."