LOVE Island's Ron Hall has slammed his ‘immature' and 'fake’ co-stars, revealing the reason he quit the villa that he was banned from saying on TV.
During the latest All Stars run, financial advisor Ron, 27, walked after he failed to find a connection with any of the girls.
He had been coupled up with Danielle Sellers, 29, but decided to leave after he "grew tired" of forcing connections.
Speaking on his ImRightHe’sRon podcast with Tanyel Revan, 28, Ron said: “Oh, I wasn't, I was myself, but I wasn't myself in the fact that I'm so proud of the fact that I was myself throughout the whole thing.
"I've done everything that I wanted to do. I didn't do anything, you know, that was guided that I wouldn't be happy with. I stayed true to myself.”
His struggle stemmed from not feeling a romantic spark with any of the girls, something he says left him in an awkward position.
“I think doing that, because I didn't fake it with any of the girls, I, look, I just didn't fancy any of the girls. That's as simple as that,” he admitted.
But according to Ron, staying out of showmances and drama meant he wasn’t able to play the Love Island game the way producers – and audiences – expected.
“When you're on that show, you need to be in a couple or you need to be causing arguments. And I didn't wanna do it. I don't know what it is. I'm just not made for the show,” he confessed.
Tanyel agreed, saying: “You just don't care for the fakeness, the whole like TV drama, drama. Like I think anything for you like that, even if you was to be argumentative with someone, I feel like you'd rather do it in private and not have to have eyes on you.”
Ron admitted he had no interest in clashing with other Islanders just for the sake of it.
He added: “It gets to a point where you're in there and you just can't be asked because it's such, in the arguments, there's so much display of immaturity and there's no reason.
"It’s just who can shout the loudest. And by the end of it, I was just like, can't be asked to deal with y'all."
Despite the show’s promise of a more grown-up cast this series, Ron didn’t see that reflected in reality.
“Like you just, awful is meant to be like an older, more mature cast. But I just thought…” he trailed off.
Tanyel chimed in, saying: “I actually think that this has been quite drama, drama and everyone's just been going for each other.”
Ron agreed, claiming that some contestants treated stirring up drama as their job.
“I love everyone individually off camera. They're great people. But when it comes down to the show and it comes down to like the arguments, it comes down to like beefing each other… It’s like being back at school, it's embarrassing.”
Why did Ron walk?
The Sun was first to reveal Ron had exited the show.
A source told us: “Ron was the centre of attention on his series, with multiple girls vying for his attention and with Lana always there for him to return to.
“It was a bit of a rude awakening for him this time round as he just couldn’t find a single spark.
“He realised he wasn’t likely to find that connection now and had grown tired of watching the front door for bombshells that might be for him."
They added: "The Love Island villa is a tough place to be single, especially when matches are sparking all around you - there’s some very loved up couples in there now - and Ron decided it was time to check out.”
Ron, who found love with Lana Jenkins on series nine in 2023, joined the All Stars villa as a bombshell with Grace Jackson.
He forced a quick connection with Kaz Crossley but she had her head turned by Montel McKenzie.
Harriett Blackmore then chose to recouple with Ron, but he told her that he didn't fancy her.
Ron had since been in a love square with new bombshell Danielle, who was also getting to know Curtis, who is coupled up with Ekin-Su.
During his last recoupling, Curtis decided to pick Ekin-Su, meaning Ron was left with no choice but to couple up with Danielle.