Hannah Berner Explained How Bravo TV Fired Her From Summer House-quang


Netflix comedian Hannah Berner was fired from Summer House and Bravo’s Chat Room over Zoom. “During covid,” Hannah learned she was “not coming back” to the network.

On an appearance on the On Purpose podcast, Hannah divulged how the firing affected her.

Reality check:

Hannah explained, “Getting fired for being you is pretty hurtful.” After confessing that getting fired made her cry, she explained that she felt she “lost all the friends who the show was about.” She felt like no one was going to be friends with her anymore.

“Looking back, it was such a blessing. People kept telling that to me. ‘You’re so lucky. This is for a reason.'”


“Don’t you hate that?! ‘This is for a reason.’ I’m like, ‘I need to make money. I lost both my jobs; I was on a talk show, too. I was like, ‘I have nothing.'”

At the time Hannah was engaged to her now-husband. “I have a guy I’m engaged to, who – in my head – was like, ‘Why would you want to be with a failure?'”


“When I used to win and do well, people loved me more. So, this was a really pivotal moment of having to love myself and believe in myself. No one was going to fix it.”

Bravo TV fans had mixed reactions to Hannah being fired:

  • Now she’s getting that Netflix coin! Let’s go! 🔥🔥🔥
  • One of the best things bravo ever did, getting rid of Hannah.
  • Glad she found a lane, even if she is delusional about history, bc she was unbearable to watch lol
  • Bravo can’t even afford her now. Love it.
  • Didn’t even know she was on Bravo 😂
  • We ride at dawn