Drama continues in the Bravo TV universe around the love life of Shannon Beador‘s ex-fiancé, John Janssen.
Alexis Bellino – who is rumored to return for season 18 of the Real Housewives of Orange County – took to the comments on social media to share her disappointment in Vicki Gunvalson.
“Very disappointed to see this from someone I considered a friend,” began Alexis before getting shady.
“I know things can’t be that bad at Coto Insurance that you resort to grab quick cash from a click bait article trashing me.”
“Sad that you seem to forget there are two sides to every story, and unfortunately 100% of your assumptions are totally false.”
“Happy holidays,” concluded Jesus Jugs … which is pretty much the equivalent of ‘bless her heart’ in this case.
The OG of the OC was “disgusted” to learn that Alexis and John have coupled up after he ended his engagement with Shannon. “Ridiculous and thirsty on both of them.”
Vicki promised, “[I] will NOT be holding my tongue.”
“Stay tuned for my thoughts soon.”