Below Deck Down Under season 3 takes place in the Seychelles, and while there was some confusion over why the Australian spinoff would move to Africa, it seems like it may have been the right choice. Captain Jason Chambers heads the crew of the Katina again, dealing with Sous Chef Anthony Bird's sudden firing and Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph's constant mood swings. Meanwhile, his stalwart Deckhand Harry Van Vilet has a thumb injury and is distracted by his romance with Stew Brianna Duffield.
Below Deck Down Under season 3 has already been a rollercoaster ride. Chief Stew Lara Rigby rules her interior crew with an iron fist, but Marina Marcondes de Barrios and Brianna don't seem to mind. Chef Tzarina seems poised to be unlucky in love again, with Bosun Wihan Du Toit setting his sights on Adair Werley after kissing Chef Tzarina and Brianna. One aspect that's drama-free so far is the beautiful sights of the Seychelles, which have taken everyone by surprise.
Fans Are Loving The Scenery Of The Seychelles
It's Good To Show A Different Perspective
The scenery of the Seychelles is unmatched, and fans on Reddit have noticed. In a recent thread, u/JodieFountainsHair posted her appreciation of the new location, and fans agreed in the comments. "I think the color, variety, and length of underwater clips has never been better! Great job. Wish there was a companion fish ID guide!" the user wrote, with other Bravo viewers adding in the comments.
"It makes me want to go to the Seychelles even more now! As long as I have access to ac," agreed one fan, while another said, "One of the main reasons I started watching the show was for the gorgeous port and ocean views. I can deal with boat storylines as long as they keep feeding me the nature shots regularly." While the Gold Coast of Australia was undoubtedly beautiful, it's good for Below Deck Down Under to switch it up in the latest season, especially after the scandal with Luke Jones in season 2.
Could Below Deck Down Under Permanently Film In The Seychelles?
They Should Keep Exploring The Southern Hemisphere
While it's great to see new scenery in Below Deck Down Under, filming in the Seychelles is proof it's important to switch locations every couple of seasons. The term "Down Under" is usually synonymous with Australia, but it essentially refers to locations below the equator. Below Deck Down Under producers should continue to explore other locales. The island of Reunion could be another cool place to explore, as could New Zealand. There are so many options for "Down Under," and the Seychelles is confirmation Below Deck Down Under shouldn't limit itself.