After the shocking kiss, Kyle released Mauricio's text message: The truth revealed?


RHOBH Recap: Kyle Reveals Text From Mauricio After Kissing Woman, Kathy Crashes Runway at Sutton’s Fashion Show, and Garcelle’s Son Makes Modeling Debut*THE* photo of Mauricio kissing the mystery woman in Greece is sending shockwaves throughout the group, obviously affecting Kyle the most.  On this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle processes the new normal, but change can be good, especially for Erika in her newly redone home.  Sutton hosts a fashion show for her sustainable line and Garcelle and Dorit attempt to do the impossible- build a friendship after years of butting heads.

Kyle and Kathy are on their way to get mammograms.  Their mother had stage 4 breast cancer, and so they take their health seriously. As they drive to the appointment, Kyle explains her shock about the recent Mauricio paparazzi photo. Kyle first saw the picture on TMZ, just like the rest of the world, but she is having difficulty processing her feelings about the whole thing.  She realizes that this is none of her business and understands that she must hold back on asking Mo questions about the mystery woman.

As they await the results of their mammograms, Kyle once again discusses Mauricio.  She feels like Mo is likely freaking out, knowing that Kyle and their daughters saw the picture of him playing tonsil hockey.  Kyle goes on to say she is surprised he has not texted her something since the picture came out, but Kathy reminds Kyle, “When people are quiet, that tells you a lot.”

Kyle abruptly takes “wife” off her Instagram profile, especially since Mo took “husband and father” off of his. Kyle insinuates that someone intentionally took these pictures and firmly believes that Mo would never orchestrate this photo shoot….but there are ways to figure out who did.

As for Kathy, she threw some major shade at Mauricio in her confessional.

“We’ve heard all those rumors about Mauricio. It’s embarrassing, it’s humiliating. But really, we’ve never seen a picture. Nobody’s ever come out,” stated Kathy before taking aim at Mauricio’s finances. “He’s not in a position financially to pay anybody off.”

In the meantime, Erika is thrilled with the new energy her home transformation has brought her. Everything is hers and it is clear that she is lighter and happier.  Erika’s mom pays her a visit and she gets a tour of the makeover. It’s a nice clean slate for Erika.

Garcelle rolls up to Sutton’s store and they sit down to chat.  Sutton is planning her Green Label Sutton fashion show and Reba, Sutton’s mom, is coming into town tomorrow…hopefully. Reba’s first flight was cancelled and Sutton is stressing that she will not be there to support, which is disappointing after making all that progress in their relationship.

Sutton is so excited to have Jaid, Garcelle’s son, walking in her fashion show, but she is unsure if she should invite Dorit to the event. The endless jabs by Dorit prove that their bickering is never done, but Sutton believes that this might be the perfect olive branch.

As they discuss Mauricio and his mystery woman, Sutton does not hold back.  She states, “Mauricio, get your dentures out because she is your daughters’ age.” Sutton feels like Kyle is waiting for Mo to come back to sweep her off her feet, but this photo proves otherwise.  What else will it take to show Kyle that Mo has moved on? Sutton feels like Kyle needs to get an attorney ASAP.  It is time for the next chapter.

Erika toasts her mother as they share a bottle of champagne in the cabana.  She talks about starting over and her mom reflects on how dark things were during the height of the Tom Girardi mess. Erika explains that she thinks of Tom less and less, and with his trial coming up, she refuses to revisit the past and the trauma that comes with it. Erika is ready to take care of herself and loves the open-endedness of her new life…with her new Porsche.

Dorit and Garcelle meet for a dinner date, a phrase I never thought I’d say. Garcelle appreciates that Dorit apologized and took accountability, so that was the first step to try and get a friendship going.  Dorit explains that things with PK are “status quo” and she is happy to report that. Garcelle can relate to Dorit’s separation with small children and understands that Dorit needs some compassion.

The subject changes to Mo and the picture and Garcelle points out that Kyle took the word wife off her Instagram bio. It seems like it’s a bit tit for tat with Kyle and Mo.  Garcelle points out that Kyle was just photographed at Morgan’s concert…was this by design? If Kyle doesn’t want the rumors, then why all this smoke? Kyle has always been so public with Morgan, and so it only makes sense that Mo would move on with his life.

Garcelle asks Dorit outright what her beef with Sutton is.  Dorit feels like Garcelle has “rose-tinted glasses” when it comes to Sutton’s behavior and refers to Sutton as “cruel.” Dorit feels like she can never be a close friend of Garcelle’s because she is forever sticking up for Sutton.  Despite their issues, Dorit will be attending Sutton’s fashion show.

Jennifer Tilly joins Sutton is preparation for her fashion show later in the day. Sutton realizes that this is a huge event and she is putting a lot of pressure on herself for it to go perfectly. Not only has Sutton invited Garcelle’s son to walk, but Jennifer will also be strutting her stuff on the catwalk. #sustainablefashion (whatever that means!).

Sutton and her daughter, Porter, primp and prep for the event. Reba was not able to get to the west coast, after spending 13 hours stuck at the airport.  Sutton was so looking forward to having her mother at the show; however, by Reba sitting at the airport for hours, that showed Sutton her mom IS truly proud of her/wanted to attend…and for Sutton that is enough.

The crowd is abuzz at the show.  Naturally Dorit wants it to be about her and she wonders if she will get an apology from Sutton (because I am sure that’s high priority for Sutton right now). Kyle chats with Scheana (we love a crossover) and visits with Erika’s mom. Everyone seems excited to fill Sutton’s void in validation from her family, a point that Garcelle noticed.

Dorit checks in with Kyle and Kyle makes it clear that she did not go to Morgan’s concert to make Mo jealous.  Kyle mentions that “Mo did text an apology” and suggests he should “have more discretion.” Kyle also hints that the woman in the photos made this all a bit sus.  “Mo’s not exactly Brad Pitt, why are they chasing him in Mykonos?” Kyle clearly thinks the lady dropped a hint to the paps…

Right before the show begins, Kathy gets a “brilliant” idea that perhaps should Dorit announce and narrate Sutton’s fashion show.  None of this is a good idea, but alas, that never stops Kathy.  She heads backstage to ask Sutton if she would be interested in her idea, but Sutton finds this laughable, considering her relationship with Dorit. 

In a way only Kathy can, she proceeds to crash the catwalk, by slowly returning to her seat at the exact moment the fashion show begins.  The model literally nudges her aside as Kyle and the rest of the ladies die of second-hand embarrassment.  Despite the rocky start, the rest of the show delivers.

Kathy Hilton crashed the runway at Sutton’s fashion show

Dorit remains mum when asked if she is impressed with Sutton’s collection, but when Jaid and Jennifer emerge to strut, everyone cheers.  

Sutton comes out to say a few words post fashion show and it is clear that Sutton is just itching for someone to be proud of her. Sutton is amazed that the group is authentically congratulating her and it is crazy to think that some of these ladies have been with her since she opened her first store.  Sutton is grateful to call this group her friends…yes, even Dorit.